The Human Nature of Christ

A/though a relatively
large amount of Inspired material on the human nature of Christ has been
compiled in FF — 301-305, yet it seems best that we also provide a
brief suggestive summary statement on this important teaching of the
Christian Faith.
It is the two great
contrasts in the earthly life of Jesus Christ that provide the power of
His Example: His stainless purity of thought, word and action — within
a body and mind such as we have inherited and within an environment such
as we are limited by.
Although the humble
follower of Christ rejoices in this wonderful truth that Jesus is our
all-sufficient, all-enabling Example, yet many thinking minds find it
hard to accept such a contrast. Anything paradoxical — anything they
cannot encompass within their thoughts, is open to suspicion and
question. Yet the mystery of Christ's incarnation and life is as deep as
is that of His death, resurrection, ascension, heavenly ministry, kingly
rule, and eternity. All about us are mysteries beyond our ken. All that
God is and all that God does is a mystery. We can describe some of it
and name parts of it, but its nature, substance and operation will never
fully be grasped. And that is as it should be. Our Creator does not
intend to tell us everything.
As in nature, so in the
truths of God's Word, there are partly revealed truths that we shall
never fully understand through all eternity. Men who must continually
poke and pry into that which God has not revealed are duplicating
the-tree-in-the-garden experiment. And it can be a dangerous one. Let us
humbly accept what He has opened before us, thank Him for it, and trust
in the One who holds our destiny in His hands.
The following
is a brief suggestive summary of the doctrine of the human nature of
Christ. It is not meant to be final nor complete. Accompanying it are a
few citations to help clarify points that are developed. But these
citations are not complete, either. —
His Nature:
Christ took our inherited human nature, fallen though it was through
4,000 years of sin.
Nature: He did in reality possess human nature (Ism 247).
He did not make-believe take human nature (5BC 1130; 1sm 247) and
humanity upon Himself (5BC 1124). God gave Christ to be flesh of our
flesh (SD 11). He had the same nature as man (1 SM 408). He possessed
all the human organism (5BC 1130). He took human nature and lived human
nature (5BC 1124). He took humanity that He might meet humanity (DA 296;
TM 190). He took the same nature as man had (5BC 1082). He took man's
nature (5BC 1081; DA 24,49; 2T 201; ST 235; Te 287). God mysteriously
allied Him with fallen human beings (CT 259).
His Weaknesses:
He took our inherited human weakness, with all the liabilities,
degeneracies, limitations and infirmities of that nature. Every
inherited weakness to sin that we have, He took upon Himself.
Weaknesses: He was subject to the weakness of humanity (DA
49) and to the infirmities and weaknesses by which man is compassed (1sm
256). He subjected Himself to all of the humbling conditions of man's
nature (4T 458). He took humanity with all its liabilities (DA 117). He
took the infirmities of degenerate humanity upon Him (DA 117; MH 180).
He took the infirmities of humanity and lived a sinless life (MH 180).
He took the liabilities of human nature (5BC 1114; 1sm 226). He took on
His sinless nature man's sinful nature (MM181 ). He took the
weakness of humanity (DA 111). He took man's nature degraded by sin (4BC
1147), in its fallen condition (11BC 1085; 4BC 1147; DA 112; EW 150; 1sm
256), and in its deteriorated condition (1 SM 253). The weaknesses of
fallen man were upon Him when He was tempted by Satan (5BC 1081). He
subjected Himself voluntarily to the conditions of human nature (AA
His Choices:
In this nature and in spite of those weaknesses, He could have sinned,
but He never sinned. He took our heredity but He never made sinful
choices. Though He had our inherited weaknesses, yet He never indulged
in transgression. So He developed no propensities or personal tendencies
to sin. Thus, though He took the wholeness of our inherited nature, He
never took our sinfulness, for He never chose sin. Because of this,
although He had the inherited nature of man after 4,000 years of sin, He
at the same time had the sinlessness of Adam before His fall.
(Propensities are urges toward transgression resulting from earlier
decisions to indulge in sin. But Christ never chose sin so He had no
His Choices:
Christ could have yielded to temptation (5BC 1128) if He had chosen to
do so (DA 117). He could have sinned (5BC 1128). The earth would have
become Satan's kingdom if Christ had been overcome (DA 687). For our
sakes, Christ took the risk of failure and eternal loss (DA 49, 131). He
took the nature that we have, with the possibility of yielding to
temptation (DA 117). In His humanity, He was a free moral agent (5BC
1082; 6BC 1074). As with us, He experienced hunger, thirst and weariness
(DA 311). He was placed on probation (5BC 1082). He was not exempt from
temptation (DA 71). He took man's nature but not its sinfulness (7BC
912, 925). He took on Himself the infirmities of humanity and then lived
a sinless life (MH 180). Christ as a man had no evil propensities (5BC
1128). Christ alone can strengthen man to fully overcome his evil
propensities (ST 335).
His Relationship
to God: He never chose separation from His Father. This is a
deeply significant fact. Although He took our fallen nature, yet He ever
linked His life and interests with those of His heavenly Father. (From
Gethsemane down to the time of His death, the Father separated from Him
because He bore our sins. But throughout that time it continued to be
His choice to keep His mind fixed upon the Father.)
Relationship to God: [Citations for this section can be
found under "His Method," and "His Example," given
His Temptations:
In this human nature He was tempted on all points like as we, and He was
tempted on each point more strongly than any of us ever shall be. The
temptations that Satan pressed upon the humanity of Christ were far more
severe than those that any other human being has ever or shall ever
experience. The fierceness of the temptations that wrung the heart of
Christ were far greater even than the habitual propensities (tendencies
aiding temptations, resulting from sinful practices and habits) that we
must face. (In this paragraph we are not referring to Satan's
temptations upon Christ to make use of His divine nature to aid His
human nature. These temptations were also very strong, but because they
are not temptations akin to ours, we shall not discuss them here.)
Temptations: Fierce temptations wrung His heart (DA 753).
He encountered the fiercest temptations that Satan could invent (CD
167). They were greater than any other man has ever borne (4T 45). They
were much greater than Adam's (DA 117; ML 323; 1SM 267-268) or ours (DA
116). There has never been another born of woman who was so fiercely
beset by temptation as was Christ (Ed 78). Never will mankind be tried
with temptations as powerful as those that Christ resisted (4T 45). They
were Satan's fiercest and most subtle temptations (GC 510). The
temptations were those that the rest of us find so difficult to
withstand (DA 116). The fiercest assailed Him in time of weakness (DA
120). All of these temptations could not bring Him to yield even by a
thought (7BC 927; GC 623). He met them with the Word of God (MH 181; DA
123). God's Word was His weapon of warfare in meeting them (DA 120).
Humanity would have been lost if He had yielded to them (SD 24).
Although they were most terrible (SD 241, yet he did no parleying with
Satan when he brought them upon Him (DA 120). He never invited
temptation (DA 1141, and when they came He had one answer for them (DA
881. His victory in meeting temptation has shown us how to meet and
resist temptation also (3T 491). They were overcome at every step (MYP
161 in the strength given Him from God (DA 24).
His Responses:
Yet in spite of these intense temptations, He never once yielded to any
of them. He never transgressed His Father's Law. Not once did He ever
choose sin. He never once chose a sinful thought, word or action. He
only lived to help and bless others.
Responses: It was Satan's plan to overthrow Christ in His
fallen nature (EW 152). Christ defeated Satan on every point in our
behalf (9T 190). In our humanity He met and overcame Satan (58C 1108;
MYP 951. He had a perfect hatred for sin (5BC 1142; 7BC 904; 1SM 254,
322). The life of Christ as a man was perfect at each stage of
development (CDL 83). He lived a sinless (CDL 83; DA 312; MH 180) and a
spotless life DA 237; 2T 50) from the manger to the cross (1 SM 2231. He
never sinned once with His lips (7BC 936). He manifested no human
weakness or imperfection (PP 480). He was obedient and sinless unto
death (1SM 324). He was perfect as a man (1T 339; TM 173), perfect in
life DA 311), and His perfect purity is an example for us (ML 300). It
is an unexplained mystery that Christ could have been tempted in all
points like as we, and yet be without sin (5BC 1128-11291. He was
perfect in His humanity (TM 173). He would not have been a perfect
offering if He had sinned (8BC 1081).
His Perfecting:
Because of this continual habit of obedience, the indication is that He
removed from His humanity the inherited weaknesses that could have
inclined Him toward sin. In this way, He perfected a Christian
character. But He did not purge sin from His life, for there never were
any sins existing in His life. He removed the fallen hereditary
characteristics from His nature, — and then took that nature to
Heaven, there to bear it forever. He took a perfected nature to heaven,
not a fallen nature.
Perfecting: Christ in His humanity wrought out a perfect
character, and this character He offers to impart to us (CDL 311). He
retains His human nature forever IDA 25-26). He took His glorified
humanity to heaven (5BC 1125; 6BC 1054; MH 421; SD 22; 8T 267). He will
wear His humanity throughout eternal ages (5BC 1125; 6BC 1054). (For
more citations on this topic, see below under "His Relationship to
His Use of
Abilities: In His steadfast resistance of sin and obedience to
God, He made use of no power, capacity, strength, resource or
qualification that is not fully available to us.
His Use of
Abilities: [Citations for this section can be found under
"His Method," and "His Example," given below.)
His Method:
Through submission, faith, prayer, study of the Word, and a constant
dependence upon His Father for enabling strength, He continually gained
the victory.
Method: He depended on His Father for means to relieve His
necessity (DA 368; MH 48-49), and wisdom and strength (DA 123), and for
power to overcome IDA 208). He did not employ His divine power to lessen
His burdens or to lighten His toil (CT 276-277). His divine power was
not used for His own benefit (1SM 276). He lived the Law of God in
humanity (7BC 915). He lived a pure, noble and perfect life, even though
cumbered with humanity (CT 488). He met and overcame Satan by relying on
God's power (7BC 924). He was not at liberty to use His divine powers to
relieve His necessities (Te 276). He received power to obey God's
commandments (MH 181). Though bearing our nature, He rendered to His
Father the same obedience that He required of man (7BC 929). He was
victor by faith IDA 756).
His Example:
He was guarded by the angels as we may be guarded. He was guided by the
Holy Spirit as we may be guided. He remained in continual contact with
His Father as we may. He resisted temptation as fully as we may resist
it. He overcame and came off conqueror as we may. He overcame every
possibility of a hereditary and environmental tendency to evil as we
may. He lived life as we may live it. His example and pattern is for us.
If we follow His example and walk in His steps, we may daily have His
victory. His life may be ours.
His Example:
He exercised no powers or qualities that men may not have by faith in
Him (DA 6641. He was guided step by step by the Father's will IDA 147).
He elevates humanity by assuming human nature (SC 15).
His Relationship
to Us: While on earth He resisted and overcame every hereditary
and environmental tendency to evil as we may do, through His empowering
grace. He ascended to heaven still bearing that nature, but perfected by
steadfast adherence to the right, through reliance upon His Father. He
continues today to be one with us in bearing our human nature. He fully
sympathizes, understands and ministers to us today. He asks us to live
as He lived while on earth. And through His inspired Word He explains
how it may be done and promises abundant help in fulfilling it. Through
His Holy Spirit He empowers us to do it. He is our life Companion and
will never leave us for any reason save that of our own choice.
Relationship to Us: By His humanity, Christ is linked with
man (CDL 169). Through His humanity He is closer to us than a father,
mother, brother, friend, or lover IDA 327). He is "near of
kin" to us IDA 327). Although now in heaven, He has lost none of
His humanity (TM 19). The human form of humanity will be borne by Christ
through the eternal ages (SC 14). The life that He laid down in humanity
He took up again (5BC 1113-1114; DA 787). He never forgets that He bears
our nature (TM 19). Humanity is united with God's throne by Christ IDA
143). He is pledged to intercede in our behalf (SD 22). He appears now
before God not merely as a petitioner but as a conqueror claiming the
victory (CDL 156). He pleads before God for sinful men (AA 495; 8T 178),
and introduces them to the Father as His sons and daughters (6T 363). He
is a personal Saviour in His role of intercessor on our behalf (Ed 132;
MH 419). He presents His spotless merits with our prayers, confessions,
and thanksgiving (CDL 156).
His Relationship
to Adam and His Race: Christ stands in the place of Adam, and
for these reasons: Adam was the federal head of the race. When he fell,
all the race fell with him (for they were all his descendants). Christ
is the "second Adam." In Christ the race has a second chance.
His victory redeems Adam's failure. He has become the new federal head
of the race. As in Adam we are all destined to fail; so, choosing
Christ, we may all be empowered to overcome. Christ conquered on the
point where Adam fell — the test of appetite. And He resisted this
temptation in the wilderness under the worst conditions and while
bearing the nature of man after 4,000 years of sin. Adam, on the other
hand, was not even hungry when he was tempted. But Christ did not
overcome in the unfallen nature of Adam, for then He could only have
saved the unfallen Adam — and unfallen Adam needed no Saviour. Adam
and all his race had fallen into environmental and hereditary weakness
to sin. And they needed One who could reach them where they were,
conquer environment and heredity in their behalf and in their nature,
and give them an example of overcoming in their nature, through the
power of God — an example that they could genuinely follow. Adam
taught them how to fail and led them into a pit of failure; Christ
teaches them how to succeed and strengthens them to overcome. So, in
summary of the matter: (1) Christ took Adam's nature, that is, He took
the nature of Adam's race — human nature. He took the nature of man,
not the nature of angels. (2) Christ took the nature of Adam's
descendants after 4,000 years of sin — He took our nature, and it is
fallen nature. He took not the immaculate nature of unfallen Adam. (3)
He did not take two different human natures; He only took one nature.
This was the nature of the human race in its fallen, apparently hopeless
condition. And then in that nature He proved that through the power of
God there is no excuse for disobedience.
Advocates of the "new theology" are trying to destroy
our Church. They teach a finished atonement at the cross and no
need for a heavenly ministry or an earthly obedience thereafter.
Such teachers are dangerous — dangerous to
their own souls and dangerous to all the rest of us.
But not all who
accept the error of the immaculate nature of Christ are in the
"new theology. "
Some are genuinely confused on this point, and yet in spite
of it, they still love their Lord deeply, fully believe in
obedience by faith, the Sanctuary ministry of Jesus, and the
rest of the precious doctrinal teachings of Adventism.
" Some are genuinely
confused on this point, and yet in spite of it, they still love
their Lord deeply, fully believe in obedience by faith, the
Sanctuary ministry of Jesus, and the rest of the precious
doctrinal teachings of Adventism.
understand this, and deal gently with such. They are brothers
and sisters in the heart of the faith and salvation through
Christ that enables men and women to put away their sins and
prepare for heaven.
— vf |
Relationship to Adam and His Race: He passed over the
ground where the first Adam fell and redeemed His failure (ML 323). He
endured the test where Adam failed (SD 241. Christ was tempted by Satan
in a hundredfold severer manner than was Adam, and under circumstances
in every way more trying (ML 323). By enduring the test that Adam
failed, Christ placed man on vantage ground so that he could overcome on
his own account through the merits of Jesus (SD 24). All was lost when
Adam yielded to the power of appetite. The Redeemer standing in His
place, endured a six-week fast. The length of this fast is the strongest
evidence of the extent of the sinfulness and power of debased appetite
upon the human family (5BC 1079). But the first Adam was in every way
more favorably situated than was Christ when each met temptation (ML
3231. Adam had the advantage over Christ, in that when he was assailed
by the tempter, none of the effects of sin were upon him (Signs, Dec 3,
1902 [quoted in FF — 302, p. 4)). He overcame, revealing to all that
the sons and daughters of Adam can through His grace keep the Law of God
(ML 3231. Christ's victory was as complete as had been Adam's failure.
So we may resist temptation and force Satan to flee from us (ML 323).
The Holy One of
Israel: In consideration of all this, be careful, exceedingly
careful, how you view the earthly life of Christ. We have considered His
nature, but we must also correctly understand how He lived His earthly
days in that nature. Do not think that because He took our human nature,
that therefore it must have defiled Him in some way. It did not. He was
ever pure, sinless and holy. The 4,000-year mental, moral, physical
heredity that He took upon Himself did not taint Him in the least, for
He never personally yielded to sin. Do not presume to think that Christ
was altogether human — an ordinary human being — in the way in which
He lived, for He was not. He bore our nature, but in it He lived a
totally sinless life. He was "that Holy Thing." No
selfishness, temper, haste, indulgence in appetite or passion ever
marred His days. He was a pure, sinless being, without a stain of sin
upon Him. He never indulged in sin. He had the nature of man but not His
conduct. And this makes all the difference — for it sustains God's
position in the great controversy that men on earth can obey the Law of
God through divine aid. One of Satan's charges was that it is impossible
for God's creatures to obey His laws, with or without His help. Jesus
took upon His holy being a fallen sinful ancestry and the weaknesses and
degeneracies common to us — yet He remained ever pure in that nature.
His ancestry and heredity was fallen, but His soul was unfallen. Christ
was not altogether such a one as ourselves, for in His choices, Christ
was not such a one as ourselves. He always chose to make correct ones.
This may seem to be a great paradox, but the key lies in the difference
between nature and choice. He fully took our damaged nature, but He did
not even once choose our wrong thoughts and acts. Christ could take our
sinful nature without ever being defiled by it, for He never made a
sinful choice. And without a sinful choice on His part a fallen sinful
nature could give Him no defilement. Thus, at His birth He had no taint
of sin, nor thereafter. On His sinless divine nature, He took our sinful
human nature — but that sinful nature had no effect in disturbing His
purity. A consistent life of obedience by faith was a power that Satan
could not conquer. In regard to His heredity, He took all of our fallen
and sinful nature. But because of His pure choices and decisions, it was
as if He had a sinless nature. For even though the fallen nature and
physical limitations pressed Him hard in His conflict with temptations,
He determinedly and fully resisted them all. The fact was that He bore
our fallen nature; but by consistent dependence upon divine power, the
effect was as if He did not have a fallen nature. But if He had not had
it, He could not be our Example. And this is what He is: a Perfect
Example for us — a totally Godly life in a nature exactly like ours.
And yet, the intensity of this contrast is amazing (so much so that most
theologians cannot accept it). But it only accentuates something else
that is amazing: the overcoming divine power that is available to
mankind in the battle with sin.
(The "Baker
Letter" [letter 8, 1895]. was written by Fllen White to a
minister who was teaching the "Adoptianist" heresy
that Christ was a sinner like the rest of us, but who eventually
overcame His sins by Himself sufficiently to be made the Christ,
and have divinity united with Him at His baptism. FF — 304,
page 2-4 explains this error and this letter. But bits and
phrases of the Baker letter are used by the "New
Theology" [and by Froom, before them] to vindicate the
error that Christ did not take our human nature. But in the
Baker letter, we are told that Christ did not make our sinful
choices. Part of the Baker letter is to be found in 5BC 1128. |
Holy One of Israel: He was holy and pure (ST 426). His
human soul was holy (2T 2011 and His humanity was perfect (DA 664). In
taking man's nature, He did not in the least participate in its sin (5BC
1131; 1SM 256). He is the one faultless character that has lived on this
planet (4T 541). He knew not the least taint of sin or defilement (ISM
253). The life and death of Christ would have been of no value to us if
He had not been without sin (7BC 933). He became like one of us except
in sin, so that His life and character should be a pattern for us to
copy (SD 23). He was a brother in our infirmities but not in possessing
like passions (2T 202). He never did one wrong action (WM 287). He did
not become a sinner by His incarnation (SD 25). He did not possess the
passions of man's fallen nature (2T 509). Divine wrath would have come
upon Christ if He had sinned (1SM 256). He was free from all sin and
error (7BC 929), from the slightest stain of sin (MM 20; WM 53-54) and
from the taint of sin (7BC 927). As a sinless offering He was a full and
perfect sacrifice (LS 246). He was the great sinlessness propitiation
(7BC 925). Guiltless He bore the guilt of the guilty (1SM 322). He had
no evil propensity (5BC 1128), no inclination to corruption (5BC 1128),
no propensities to sin (5BC 1 128), and no taint of corruption (5BC
1128). He had a perfect hatred for sin (5BC 1142; 7BC 904; 1SM 254, 322)
and was holy and pure (ST 426). Have no misgivings regarding the perfect
sinlessness of the human nature of Christ (58C 1131; 1SM 256). He was
tempted in all points as we are, yet He was untainted by corruption (7BC
907). He was the spotless Lamb of God IDA 652; SD 25). He was a perfect
specimen of sinless humanity (7BC 907). The perfection revealed in
Christ, God expects from us (CG 477). The purity and elevated morality
of Christ awed men (3T 422). The purity of His divine character was
maintained in the midst of His human nature (ML 323). Sin found no place
in Christ (5BC 1117).
The Nature That
He Took: Christ really took our nature — all of it. He
did not merely take our "physical nature" and weaknesses. The
physical part of man can only be separated from the rest — the mental
and the emotional — by the theoretician. If such a major division took
place within Christ at His incarnation, we would be told about it
somewhere. Instead, we are told: (1) Christ did not make-believe take
our nature, or half-take our nature. (2) He took our fallen, sinful
nature. (3) He took all of our weaknesses; all of the weaknesses of our
nature. Do remember:
He partook of all of our
fallen nature, but He partook in none of our fallen choices. That is the
key to the entire issue. Also remember that if Christ only took part of
our nature, then He can only be partly our Example. Is Jesus only an
example for your physical nature, — your skin, bones and physical
organs, — and not an example for your moral nature, — your mind,
emotions and thinking, choices and will power? The modernistic
body-splitting of the intellectuals in regard to the incarnation of
Christ is simply an attempt to explain away a truth which they are not
willing to accept.
The Nature
that He took: He took on His sinless nature man's sinful
nature (MM 181). He took man's nature degraded by sin (4BC 1147). He was
made in the likeness of sinful flesh (Letter 106, 1896 [quoted in FF —
301, p. 2)1. He united the offending nature of man with His own nature
(Review, July 17, 1900 [quoted in FF — 301, p. 4)). He took fallen,
suffering human nature, degraded and defiled by sin (Youth's Instructor,
Dec 20, 1900 [quoted in FF — 303, p. 1)). He took our sinful nature
(Review, December 15, 1896 [quoted in FF — 301, p. 3]).
He had all the strength of passion of humanity (IHP, 155). He came down
to the level in humanity of those whom He wished to save (Review, Dec
15, 1896 [quoted in FF — 302, pp. 1-2)). He took humanity in its
deteriorated condition (1SM 2S2-2S6). He was made in the likeness of
sinful flesh (DA 147). He had a truly human nature (3SM 135). He had a
human nature that was identical to that of our own (MS 94, 1893 [quoted
in FF — 302, p. 1] 1.He took upon Him the infirmities of
degenerate humanity IDA 117). God permitted Him to meet life's peril in
common with every human soul, and to fight it as every human being must
fight it IDA 49). He bore the humanity that we bear (MS 21, 1895 [quoted
in FF — 302, p. 11). He accepted humanity when the race had been
weakened by sin IDA 49). He was placed on probation, just as man is (MS
29, 1899 [quoted in FF — 302, p. 3]). He came in the likeness of
sinful flesh IDA 312). He carried all our infirmities and bore all our
temptations (Letter 22, 1898 [quoted in FF — 302, p. 41)
The Great
Mystery: We are repeatedly told that the human nature of Christ
is a great mystery. What is mysterious about Christ's human nature? If
we had all the answers, there would be no mystery. It is because some
aspects of the nature of Christ are beyond our understanding and/or were
never revealed, that there is a mystery. Among these are: (1) How could
Christ be at once fully human and fully divine? How could He have two
distinct natures? We do not know, but He did, for this is what we are
told in the inspired Word. (2) How could Christ go through early
childhood without sin? How could He fully bear our fallen nature and
resist sin in His infancy? We do not know, but that He did take our
fallen ancestry and nature and that He never sinned is the teaching of
God's Word. In connection with this, it is of interest that we are told
that Christ was guided by the Holy Spirit from His birth, and elsewhere
we are told (in "Adventist Home") that through the faith of
praying mothers, their children may be guided by the Holy Spirit from
their earliest childhood also. In summary, then, on this great mystery:
"The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things
which are revealed be long unto us and to our children forever, that we
may do all the words of this law." — Deuteronomy 29:29.
The Great Mystery:
It is an unexplainable mystery
that Christ could be tempted in all points like as we, and yet be
without sin (5BC 1128- 1129). The doctrine of the incarnation of Christ
is a mystery (1SM 246, 249), a great a profound mystery of godliness
(1SM 246). It is a great mystery (7BC 915) of love (2T 2151. It is a
mystery [8BC 1130-1131; 6BC 1082; 1SM 2461 of mysteries (6BC 10821 that
no man can explain (5BC 1129). It is too deep for the human mind to
explain or fully comprehend (SC 106; ST 699). It is a mystery that even
the disciples did not understand (DA 507). It is an unfathomable mystery
(5BC 1130). It is one of the most precious and most mysterious truths of
the entire plan of redemption (ST 7461. It will ever remain a mystery
(5BC 1128-1129). It is an
unexplainable mystery that Christ could be tempted in all points like as
we, and yet be without sin (5BC 1128- 1129). The doctrine of the
incarnation of Christ is a mystery (1SM 246, 249), a great a profound
mystery of godliness (1SM 246). It is a great mystery (7BC 915) of love
(2T 2151. It is a mystery [8BC 1130-1131; 6BC 1082; 1SM 2461 of
mysteries (6BC 10821 that no man can explain (5BC 1129). It is too deep
for the human mind to explain or fully comprehend (SC 106; ST 699). It
is a mystery that even the disciples did not understand (DA 507). It is
an unfathomable mystery (5BC 1130). It is one of the most precious and
most mysterious truths of the entire plan of redemption (ST 7461. It
will ever remain a mystery (5BC 1128-1129).
Summary: Here is
the heart of this Scriptural teaching:
Christ took our fallen
nature, but He never made our fallen choices. This is the two sides to
the truth of the human nature of Christ. And here is the heart of what
it can mean to you: We have the same nature that He took. In His
strength we can make the same good choices that His Father enabled Him
to make. Jesus offers to let you live His humble, submissive, obedient
life — and to begin it right now. Christ's way of living is offered to
you at this very time. Take it. It is free for the asking; but it costs
— it costs a way of life, — Christ's way of life, Christ's clinging,
Christ's prayers, Christ's victories. You already have His nature; now
accept His life in that nature.
The truth is
that the human nature of Christ is an open door that you may enter, just
now. An open door into His life. And, to express this wondrous truth in
a different way: As you draw near to receive that life, you kneel in
repentance before Him at the cross; rising, you enter the Sanctuary in
acceptance, and sit with Him in heavenly places as He ministers for you
precious blessings from His Father.
of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
— Matthew 1:1. "But when the fullness of the time was come,
God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law." —
Galatians 4:4. "Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign:
Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name
Emmanuel." — Isaiah 7:14. "For unto us a Child is born, unto
us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And
His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The
everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." — Isaiah 9:6. "And
there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch
shall grow out of his roots." — Isaiah 11:1.
"The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David; He will not turn from it:
of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne." — Psalm
132:11. "Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise up
unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper and
shall execute judgment and justice in the earth." —
Jeremiah 23:5.
"And I will put
enmity between thee [Satan) and the woman [the church (all descendants
of Adam)) , and between thy seed and her seed; It shall bruise thy head,
and thou shalt bruise His heel." — Genesis 3:15. "The Lord
shall raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy
brethren, like unto me [Moses) ; unto Him ye shall hearken." —
Deuteronomy 18:15. "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their
brethren, like unto thee [Moses] , and will put My words in His mouth;
and He shall speak unto them all that I shall command Him." —
Deuteronomy 18:18. "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a
lawgiver from beneath his feet [born from his descendants) , until
Shiloh come, and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be."
— Genesis 49:10. "Judah hath prevailed above his brethren, and of
him came the chief ruler." — 1 Chronicles 5:2. "Let
Thy hand be upon the Man of Thy right hand, upon the Son of Man whom
Thou madest strong for Thyself." — Psalm 80:17. "Thou
spakest in vision to Thy Holy One, and saidst, I have laid help upon One
that is mighty; I have exalted One chosen out of the people." —
Psalm 89:19. "And a Man shall be as an hiding place from the wind,
and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the
shadow of a great Rock in a weary land." — Isaiah 32:2. "The
Lord hath called Me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath He
made mention of My name. And now, saith the Lord that formed Me from the
womb to be His Servant, to bring Jacob again to Him, though Israel be
not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and My
God shall be My strength." — Isaiah 49:1,5. "But thou,
Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah,
yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in
Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.
Therefore will He give them up, until the time that she which travaileth
hath brought forth." — Micah 5:2-3.
"And behold, thou
shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call His
name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the
Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father
David." — Luke 1:31-32. "She shall bring forth a son, and
thou shalt call His name JESUS, for He shall save His people from their
sins." — Matthew 1:21. "And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us." — John 1:14. "The gospel of God - concerning
His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David
according to the flesh." — Romans 1:1,3. "Let me freely
speak unto you of the patriarch David: Therefore being a prophet, and
knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of His
loins, according to the flesh, He would raise up Christ to sit on His
throne." — Acts 2:29-30.
"For what the law
could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own
Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the
flesh." — Romans 8:3. "And without controversy, great is the
mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh.'' — 1
Timothy 3:16. "But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him
the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men." —
Philippians 2:7. "Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus is
come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of
antichrist." — 1 John 4:3. "And He said unto me, My grace is
sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
— 2 Corinthians 12:9. "Behold, My hands and My feet, that it is I
Myself. Handle Me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye
see Me have." — Luke 24:39. "Reach hither thy finger, and
behold My hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into My side:
and be not faithless but believing." — John 20:27. "Hath not
Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the
town of Bethlehem, where David was?" — John 7:42.
For additional Bible
passages, read: 2 Sam 7:12; Acts 3:22; 13:23; 2 Cor 5:16; Col 1:15; Gen
17:7; 22:18; 1 Jn 1:1-3; 2 Jn 7; Rev 22:16; Rom 1:3-4; Rev 22:16; Matt
1:16; 2 Cor 5:21; Hebrews 5:1-8; 7:14.
Especially note Hebrews
2:1-18 and 4:1-5.
FF — 301-305:
"The Human Nature of Christ" — a set of five tracts that
provides dozens of quoted passages of inspired guidance. FF — 304 has
an analysis of the "Baker Letter" that was prepared several
years ago by one of our leading pastors. FF — 304-305 contains three
studies from our larger "Biblical Sanctuary" that deal with
Biblical passages on the topic. FF — 304 has a collection of Bible
verses applicable to the nature of Christ.
FF — 306.-
"Summary of the Human Nature of Christ" — the tract which
you are now reading.
FF — 26:
"Documentary Fraud" — transcript of a carefully prepared
sermon delivered by Ralph Larson, at that time senior pastor of the Loma
Linda Campus Hills Church. It is well worth your reading, as it explains
the present controversy over the human nature of Christ. the issues
involved the correct position, and Frooms effort to twist inspired
statements in order to teach error.
DH — 1:
"The Change in the Doctrine of the Human Nature of Christ" —
a scholarly paper prepared in a North American Adventist educational
institution, that clearly documents the changeover from truth to error
— and tells us exactly when it occurred.
DH — 2: "The
Nature of Christ Change in 'Bible Readings'
before-and-after reprints of the passage in "Bible Readings"
that show what was changed and what it was changed to. The accompanying
text provides information on when and why the change took place. A
Scriptural defense of the correct position, and a theological summary of
the error is also provided.
117 — 3-5: "In Christ We
Conquer" — entirely composed of Spirit of Prophecy statements,
this four-part study provides a wealth of insight into the nature that
Christ took — and how it relates to your Christian experience and
mine. The other tracts in this "Indwelling Christ Series" you
will also appreciate. Almost totally of inspired material, they present
the necessity and promises of Obedience by Faith. This beautiful topic
is closely related to that of the human nature of Christ.